The Psychology of Judgement and Decision Making
Before we meet
It is important that you complete these two surveys at least 48 hours before our online session:
Questions from Jan-Ole Hesselberg (8 minutes)
Decision-Making Style Questionnaire (5 minutes)
Provided the surveys are completed, you will receive your personal Decision-Making Styles Analysis before we meet for session 2.
Session 1 - Online, 2 hours
How you make decisions
An introduction to cognitive biases and decision styles
Your brain is designed to keep you alive. To achieve this, it takes shortcuts that you are not aware of - shortcuts that are extremely useful but also lead to gross mistakes when we make decisions. International research is full of examples of the mistakes we make, and my own research shows that even smart Norwegian managers are no exception.
In this session, I will focus on the shortcuts, the most important biases they lead to and how we have different decision-making styles.
Session 2 - Live, 4 hours
Better decisions
How noise and groups can make decisions worse, and what you can do about it
Interventions and measures for better decisions
Noise in decision-making
Decisions in groups
One decision in practice (group task)
If you have not done so already, remember to complete the two surveys linked above